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Getting Started


This demo was developed with the Janus IDP Demo catalog item on the Red Hat Demo Platform as the intended target for deployment. Though not supported, the full setup and demo should work on any OpenShift 4.12+ cluster.

Instructional Video


Install Packages

  1. The Ansible kubernetes.core and community.hashi_vault collections need to be installed before using this playbook.

    ansible-galaxy collection install kubernetes.core community.hashi_vault
  2. The kubernetes, openshift, hvac, and PyYAML python packages need to be installed before using this playbook.

    pip3 install --user kubernetes openshift hvac PyYAML
  3. The helm diff plugin should to be installed before using this playbook.

    helm plugin install


Log in to your OpenShift cluster via the oc client. Set the OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO variable for use later.

export OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO=$(oc cluster-info | head -n 1 | sed 's/^.*https...api//' | sed 's/.6443.*$//' )

Using Linux?

If you are using a Linux environment, set the alias for the following commands to work:

alias open="xdg-open"

For the remaining environment variables, it may be preferable to make use of ./ file provided at the root of this project. Fill in the listed env vars as you complete the setup configuration, then run source ./

Create GitHub Organization

Create a new Github Organization. This organization will contain the code repositories for the components created by Backstage.

The GITHUB_ORGANIZATION environment variable will be set to the name of the organization.


You may also use any organization you are a member of, as long as you have the ability to create new repositories within it.


Set Up GitHub Application

  1. Create a new GitHub Application to use the Git WebHooks functionality in this demo. The required field will be populated, and correct permissions set.

    open "$GITHUB_ORGANIZATION/settings/apps/new?name=$GITHUB_ORGANIZATION-webhook&url="
  2. Set the GITHUB_APP_ID and GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_ID environment variables to the App ID and App Client ID, respectively. Generate a new client secret and set the GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable. Then, generate a Private Key for this app and download the private key file. Set the GITHUB_KEY_FILE environment variable to the downloaded file, using either the absolute path or the path relative to the ansible/cluster-setup directory.

    export GITHUB_APP_ID=
    export GITHUB_KEY_FILE=

    Organization Client Info

  3. Go to the Install App table on the left side of the page and install the GitHub App that you created for your organization.

    Install App

Create Github OAuth Applications

Create an GitHub OAuth application in order to use GitHub as an Identity Provider for Backstage.

open "[name]=$GITHUB_ORGANIZATION-identity-provider&oauth_application[url]=https://janus-demo.apps$OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO&oauth_application[callback_url]=https://keycloak-backstage.apps$OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO/auth/realms/backstage/broker/github/endpoint"

Set the GITHUB_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables with the values from the OAuth application.


Get Client ID

Create a second GitHub OAuth application to enable Dev Spaces to seamlessly push code changes to the repository for new components created in Backstage.

open "[name]=$GITHUB_ORGANIZATION-dev-spaces&oauth_application[url]=https://devspaces.apps$OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO&oauth_application[callback_url]=https://devspaces.apps$OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO/api/oauth/callback"

Set the GITHUB_DEV_SPACES_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_DEV_SPACES_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables with the values from the OAuth application.


Create a third GitHub OAuth application to enable the numerous Backstage plugins utilizing GitHub to authenticate and access the relevant data.

open "[name]=$GITHUB_ORGANIZATION-backstage&oauth_application[url]=https://janus-demo.apps$OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO&oauth_application[callback_url]=https://janus-demo.apps$OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO/api/auth/github/handler/frame"

Set the GITHUB_BACKSTAGE_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_BACKSTAGE_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables with the values from the OAuth application.


Optional: Create Quay Repository

Providing a Quay repository will allow the user to demonstrate pushing to an external image registry, as well as the functionality of the Quay plugin in Backstage.

Create an organization in Quay, if one is not already available to use.


Create a repository for each application to be instantiated through Backstage, ensuring that it is in the specified organization, and that the visibility is set to public.

open ""

Create Quay Repo

Under Repository Settings -> User and Robot Permissions, create a new robot account with write permission to the repository.

Add Permission

Set the JANUS_QUAY_USER and JANUS_QUAY_TOKEN environment variables to the username and token of the robot account.



Clone the demo-setup repo and run the next commands from inside of the ansible/cluster-setup directory

git clone
cd demo-setup/ansible/cluster-setup

Run the Software Templates Setup Playbook

Fork the Software Templates repository to your organization. Ensure that the name of the forked repo remains as software-templates

Execute the following command to complete setup of the fork. This playbook will customize your fork of the Software Templates repo with relevant information pertaining to your cluster, and mimic the structure of a custom template being used in an enterprise IT environment.

ansible-playbook ./template.yaml

Run the Cluster Setup Playbook

The Inventory values in inventory/group_vars/all.yml can be changed, but it is not required

Run Command:

ansible-playbook site.yaml -i inventory


The deployment of most infrastructure is delegated to ArgoCD. Once the playbook successfully runs, it may take several minutes until the demo is fully operational. The deployment can be monitored in the ArgoCD console.

The cluster is now set up to run the Janus IDP Demo. Please refer to the Architecture and Demo sections for further guidance.

To create a local copy of the requisite environment variables for future use, run the following command:







Stuck on FAILED - RETRYING: [localhost]: Wait for Keycloak to be Ready (xxx retries left) for over 2 minutes

Bounce the pod deployed by the keycloak StatefulSet in the backstage namespace. The playbook will pick up again once the new pod is up.

Failed on Run RHSSO Backstage Helm Chart during initial run no matches for kind \"Keycloak\" in version...

The RHSSO operator may not have completed installation, try rerunning the Ansible Playbook.

Log in to Argo Cluster

To access the console, the password for the admin user can be found in the argocd-cluster secret.

Failed on Fetching Default Service Account Token with unknown command \"token default\"

Ensure your oc client is 4.11 or above

oc version --client
The latest oc client can be downloaded here:
open "https://console-openshift-console.apps$OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO/command-line-tools"

Setup for Previously Run Demo

If you previously run a demo and want to use the same GitHub Organization and repostiories you can. Janus will discover previous repositories and automatically add them to the catalog. In order to create the Argo CD resources, OpenShift namespaces and Tekton pipelines, follow the steps below:

Set your Environment Variables

Make sure properly set all your environment variables as described in the Configuration section above. This includes the setting of the OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_INFO

Update GitHub OAuth Apps

Update all OAuth apps created in the Configuration section above with the new cluster URL.

OAuth Apps

Update Software Templates

Make sure your $GITHUB_ORGANIZATION/software-templates repository is up-to-date to ensure you get the latest features in the templates. To do this, either hit the "Sync fork" button, delete and re-clone the repo as described in the first step here or run the following commands:

git fetch upstream

git checkout main

git merge upstream/main

Run Ansible Playbooks

Run both playbooks as described in the Run the Software Templates Setup Playbook and Run the Cluster Setup Playbook sections above

Clone the XXX-gitops repo(s)

  1. Clone your -gitops repo.
  2. Update the helm/build/values.yaml by changing the app.cluster value to match your new cluster URL and commit the change
  3. Create the Argo CD resources by running the following command from the root of the -gitops repo
    oc apply -f ./argocd
    Repeat the above steps for as many -gitops repos you have in your Organization

Update Webhooks

Update the Webhooks for all of the source repos in your GitHub Organization

Click on the Settings tab for your source repo and then click Webhooks on the left hand side

Webhook 1

Click the Edit button next to the webhook

Webhook 2

Update the Payload URL with your new cluster URL and click the Update webhook button at the bottom of the page Webhook 3

Repeat for as many source repos as you wish.