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Container Image Registry for Quay

Container Image Registry for Quay

View container image details from Quay in Backstage.

Quay plugin for Backstage

The Quay plugin displays the information about your container images within the Quay registry in your Backstage application.

For administrators


  1. Install the Quay plugin using the following command:

    yarn workspace app add @janus-idp/backstage-plugin-quay


  1. Set the proxy to the desired Quay server in the app-config.yaml file as follows:

    target: ''
    credentials: require
    X-Requested-With: 'XMLHttpRequest'
    # Uncomment the following line to access a private Quay Repository using a token
    # Authorization: 'Bearer <YOUR TOKEN>'
    changeOrigin: true
    # Change to "false" in case of using self hosted quay instance with a self-signed certificate
    secure: true

    # The UI url for Quay, used to generate the link to Quay
    uiUrl: ''

[!NOTE] The value inside each route is either a simple URL string, or an object on the format accepted by http-proxy-middleware. Additionally, it has an optional credentials key which can have the following values:

  • require: Callers must provide Backstage user or service credentials with each request. The credentials are not forwarded to the proxy target. This is the default.
  • forward: Callers must provide Backstage user or service credentials with each request, and those credentials are forwarded to the proxy target.
  • dangerously-allow-unauthenticated: No Backstage credentials are required to access this proxy target. The target can still apply its own credentials checks, but the proxy will not help block non-Backstage-blessed callers. If you also add allowedHeaders: ['Authorization'] to an endpoint configuration, then the Backstage token (if provided) WILL be forwarded.

Note that if you have backend.auth.dangerouslyDisableDefaultAuthPolicy set to true, the credentials value does not apply; the proxy will behave as if all endpoints were set to dangerously-allow-unauthenticated.

  1. Enable an additional tab on the entity view page in packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx:

    import { isQuayAvailable, QuayPage } from '@janus-idp/backstage-plugin-quay';

    const serviceEntityPage = (
    {/* ... */}
    <EntityLayout.Route if={isQuayAvailable} path="/quay" title="Quay">
    <QuayPage />
  2. Annotate your entity with the following annotations:


For users

Using the Quay plugin in Backstage

Quay is a front-end plugin that enables you to view the information about the container images.


  • Your Backstage application is installed and running.
  • You have installed the Quay plugin. For installation process, see Installation.


  1. Open your Backstage application and select a component from the Catalog page.

  2. Go to the Image Registry tab.

    The Image Registry tab in the Backstage UI contains a list of container images and related information, such as TAG, LAST MODIFIED, SECURITY SCAN, SIZE, EXPIRES, and MANIFEST.


  3. If a container image does not pass the security scan, select the security scan value of the image to check the vulnerabilities.


    The vulnerabilities page displays the associated advisory with a link, severity, package name, and current and fixed versions.


    The advisory link redirects to the Red Hat Security Advisory page that contains detailed information about the advisory, including the solution.